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Records: 51 to 99 of 99
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Actions Title   Author
View Record  Pennsylvania Genealogical Research Geroge K. Schweitzer, 1986
View Record  Planters of the Commonwealth, 1620-1640 Charles Eward Banks, 1984
View Record  Quaker Arrivals at Philadelphia, 1682 - 1750 Albert Cook Meyers, 1957
View Record  Records of the Particular Court of Connecticut, 1639 - 1663 Published by the Connecticut Historical Society, 1928; Facsimile Reprint: Published by Heritage Books, 1987
View Record  Research in Pennsylvania Kay Haviland Freilich, 2003
View Record  Roanoke Lost Four Hundred Years Ago the First English Settlers Reached America, What Followed Was A String of Disasters Ending with Complete Disappearance of a Colony Karen Ordahl Kupperman
View Record  Some Connecticut Nutmeggers Who Migrated Compiled by Grace Louise Knox and Barbara B. Ferris, 1988
View Record  Swanzey, N.H.; Rea 1982; The History of Swanzey New Hampshire, From 1734-1890 By Benjamin Read; Published by the Salem Press Publishing and Printing Co., Salem, Mass, 1892
View Record  Tacoma (WA) the City of Destiny 1884 - 1984
View Record  Tales of the Frontier - From Lewis and Clark to the Last Roundup By Everett Dick
View Record  The Early Settlement of Stamford, Connecticut, 1641-1700 Jean Majdalany, 1991
View Record  The Encyclopedia of New England: The Culture and History of an American Region Edited by Burt Feintuch and David H. Watters, 2005
View Record  The English Ancestry and Homes of the Pilgrim Fathers Charles Edward Banks, (Originally Published 1929) Reprinted 1984
View Record  The Founders of New England - Drake; Result of Some Researchers Among the British Archives for Information Relative to the Founders of New England: Made in the Years 1858 - 1859 and 1860 By Samuel G. Drake; Published by the Genealogical Publishing Co., Baltimore, MD., 1963
View Record  The Founding of Massachusetts: Historians if the Sources Edited by Edmond S. Morgan, Yale University; Published by the Bobbs-Merrill Company, Inc, 1964
View Record  The Hammatt Papers: Early Inhabitants of Ipswich, Massachusetts, 1633-1700 Abraham Hammatt (Originally Published in Seven Parts, 1880 - 1889), Reprinted with an added index 1980
View Record  The History of Ancient Windsor Connecticut, Part Two Henry T. Stiles, M.D., 1859 (Facsimile Reprint); Published by Heritage Books Inc., 1997
View Record  The History of Ancient Windsor, Connecticut, Part One Henry R. Stiles, M.D., 1959 (Facsimile Reprint); Published by Heritage Books Inc., 1997
View Record  The New England and Historical Genealogical Register Volume 159, July 2005 Whole Number 635
View Record  The New England and Historical Genealogical Register Volume 163, April 2009 Whole Number 650
View Record  The New England Hisorical and Genealogical Register Volume 162, October 2008 Whole Number 648
View Record  The New England Historical and Genealogical Register Volume 159 October 2005 Whole Number 636
View Record  The New England Historical and Genealogical Register Volume 160, January 2006 Whole Number 637
View Record  The New England Historical and Genealogical Register Volume 162, April 2008, W/hole Number 646
View Record  The New England Historical and Genealogical Register Volume 162, July 2008 Whole Number
View Record  The New England Historical and Genealogical Register, Volume 161, April 2007, Whole Number 642
View Record  The New England Historical and Genealogical Register, Volume 161, January 2007, Whole Number 641.
View Record  The New England Historical and Genealogical Register, Volume 161, July 2007, whole Number 643
View Record  The New England Historical and Genealogical Register, Volume 161, October 2007 Whole Number 644
View Record  The New England Historical and Genealogical Register, Volume 162, April 2008, Whole Number 646
View Record  The New England Historical and Genealogical Register, Volume 162, January 2008, Whole Number
View Record  The New England Historical and Genealogical Register, Volume 162, July 2008, Whole Number 647.
View Record  The New England Historical and Genealogical Register, Volume 162, October 2008 Published by the New England Historical and Genealogical Society, 2008
View Record  The New England Historical and Genealogical Register, Volume 163, January 2009 Published by The New England Historical and Genealogical Society, 2009 (2 copies)
View Record  The New England Historical Genealogical Register Subject for Volumes 51-142, 1897-1988 Mrs. Jean D. Worden
View Record  The Ohio Genealogical Society Periodical's Index - Topics By Location 1960 - 2000, 2002
View Record  The Original Lists of persons of Quality, 1600-1700 Edited by John Camden Hotten, (Originally Published 1874); Reprinted, 1983
View Record  The Original Lists of Persons of Quality, 1600-1700y Edited by John Camden Hotten, (Originally Published 1874); Reprinted 1983
View Record  The Perkins Family in Ye Old Times Edited and printed by D.W. Perkins, 1916
View Record  The Pioneers of Massachusetts Charles Henry Pope, 1981
View Record  The Plymouth Adventure (A Chronicle Novel of the Voyage of the Mayflower) Ernest Gebler, 1950
View Record  The Stonington Chronology, 1649 - 1976 William Haynes; 1949 Bicentennial Edition, Including a 1949-1976 Supplemental by James Boylan, 1976
View Record  The Story of the Palatines: An Episode in Colonial History Sanford H. Cobb, 1897 (Facsimile Reprint); Published by Heritage Book Inc., 1988
View Record  The Winthrop Fleet of 1630 Charles Edwar Banks (Originally Published in 1930); Reprinted in 1983
View Record  Topographical Dictionary of 2885 English Emigrants to New England, 1620-1650 Charles Edwar Banks (Originally Published 1937), Reprinted 1981
View Record  True and Authentic Register of Persons Still Living, Who, in the Year 1709 Journeyed from Germany to America Ulrich Simmendinger, 1717;
View Record  True and Authentic Register of Persons Still Living, Who, in the Year 1709 Journeyed from Germany to America Ulrich Simmendinger, 1717; Translated from the German by the Rev. Herman F. Vesper; Published by Genealogical Publishing
View Record  Upstate New York Researcher Compiled by Patricia R. James, 1991
View Record  War and Society in Colonial Connecticut Harold E. Selesky, 1990
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Records: 51 to 99 of 99